
A one and half day Skills Development Workshop on "Writing a winning research proposal: a definitive guide" for Academic and Administrative Staff organized by the Staff Development Centre of South Eastern University of Sri Lanka with the assistance of Young Scientist Forum (YSF), National Science and Technology Commission (NASTEC) was held at the Auditorium, Staff Development Centre (SDC) recently (5th & 6th October, 2015)

Dr.Pradeepa Bandaranayake, Director, Agriculture Biotechnology Centre, University of Peradeniya and Dr. Nanda Gunawardena, Director, Internatinal Research Centre, University of Peradeniya played a major role as resource personnel for this workshop which consisted with lectures and practical sessions in parallel where the Academics and Administrative Staff showed much enthusiasm. How to formulate your research problem, how to set your goals and objectives, how to define your research methodology, whos funding what? and has anyone worked on the same area of interest were some of the areas the lectures were held.

Under the guidance of the Vice-Chancellor Prof. M.M.M. Najim,

Dr. S.M. Ahamed Lebbe, Director, SDC, SEUSL; Dr. C.L. Jayawardena, Chairman, YSF, NASTEC and Ms. Asha Pitadeniya, Senior Scientist, YSF, NASTEC co-ordinated the workshop successfully.

Writing a winning research proposal:a definitive guide Writing a winning research proposal:a definitive guide Writing a winning research proposal:a definitive guide Writing a winning research proposal:a definitive guide Writing a winning research proposal:a definitive guide Writing a winning research proposal:a definitive guide Writing a winning research proposal:a definitive guide Writing a winning research proposal:a definitive guide