
The Council of the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka in pursuance of section 34 of the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978 and subsequent amendments, invites applications from, or nominations of persons for the position of the Vice-Chancellor of the University.

Under the provisions of the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978, the Vice-Chancellor is a full time Officer of the University. He/she shall be the Principal Executive Officer, the Principal Academic Officer and the Accounting Officer of the University. He/she shall be an ex-officio member and Chairman of both the Council and the Senate.

The Vice Chancellor shall, unless he/she vacates office earlier or is removed from office in terms of the Universities Act. No. 16 of 1978 as amended, holds office for a term of three years or until he/she completes his/her sixty fifth year whichever event occurs earlier.

The Vice-Chancellor will be responsible for providing academic leadership, formulating, conducting and introducing management policies and implementing the decisions of the Council, the general administration of the University and should, therefore uphold the principles of academic excellence, transparency, accountability, democratic management and effective non partisan leadership.

The successful candidate should possess a record of high academic achievement including a strong research profile, proven leadership qualities and interpersonal skills to interact objectively with diverse interest groups, a clear understanding of policy issues, and commitment to the effective implementation of decisions. He/she should also possess a deep understanding of the ethos and mission of a University including commitment to the community (Prospective Applicants/those who wish to nominate are invited to visit the University web site http:/ for details)

The Vice-Chancellor is eligible to be on the highest academic salary scale and is entitled to an entertainment allowance of 15% of the salary and other allowances applicable to the post.

The following documents should accompany the applications/nominations and applicant/nominee may be required to present formally or informally his/her vision for the University to the University Council.

(i) A complete Curriculum Vitae of applicant/nominee including date of birth

(ii) A personal statement of vision for the development of the University and a brief account of what the applicant/nominee proposes to achieve if appointed to the Post of Vice Chancellor

(iii) A declaration of applicant that he/she has followed and adhered to all existing rules and regulations with regard to the appointment of Vice Chancellor

(iv) A letter of consent from the nominee in case of a nomination

(v) A letter from the employer indicating whether the applicant/nominee could be released in the

event of his/her appointment to the Post, in case of an applicant/nominee serving in Public Service, Corporations, Statutory Bodies and Higher Educational Institutions other than the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.

Applications and nominations should be addressed to Mr. H. Abdul Saththar, Registrar, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Oluvil and sent under registered cover or hand delivered to reach the above office before 3.00 pm on 27 March 2018.

As per the decision of the University Council, the identification and ranking of the three eligible candidates, from among the applicants/nominees, will be forwarded to the University Grants Commission, for consideration for appointment, as per the accepted procedure, by the University Council as prescribed in the relevant UGC Circulars.

The envelope containing the application/nomination material must be marked "Office of the Vice-Chancellor" on its top left hand corner.

H. Abdul Saththar
Registrar and Secretary to the Council
South Eastern University of Sri Lanka