
There are cyber-attack warning these days. Therefore, please follow these guidelines to make sure your computer security

1. How can a computer be protected from virus attacks?
  1. Use a firewall when using the Internet
  2. Update all software and the operating systems on all computers when necessary
  3. Use an up-to-date anti-virus software
  4. Do not open emails that are received from unknown sources
  5. Do not open unknown attachments or content (links etc.) even from a known source
  6. Complete a virus scan before opening any email attachments
  7. Do not visit unknown or suspicious websites
  8. Do not share your personal details with unknown parties or services (your email, bank accounts, credit card numbers etc.)
  9. Use trusted websites to download applications or content

2. Special Consideration for Secure Email Usage to prevent the cyber attack
When an e-mail received from unknown source
  1. Don't click any links in the e-mail
  2. Don't download any attachments.
  3. Don't forward it to anyone.
  4. Don't submit any of your personal details

Finally, take manual backup your important files in USB or portable hard Drive in your computers. If you have any clarification, please call me on 0772252285

Assistant Network Manager

Network Operations Center, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka