Final Submission:

Authors should note that proofs are not supplied prior to publication. The manuscript will be considered to be the definitive version of the article. The author must ensure that it is complete, grammatically correct and without spelling or typographical errors.

Manuscript requirements

Authors are advised to prepare their manuscripts before submission, using the following guidelines:


· All files should be submitted as MS Word compatible documents.

· Times New Roman font, 10 sized and single line-spaced. Single columned layout and in B5 sized paper.

Article Length

Articles can contain maximum of 12 pages including references.

Article Title

A title of not more than 20 words should be provided.

Article Title Page

An Article Title Page should be submitted alongside each individual article using the template provided. This should include:

• Article Title
• Author Details (see below)
• Structured Abstract (see below)
• Keywords (see below)

Author Details

· Full name of each author

· Affiliation of each author, at time research was completed. If more than one author has contributed to the article, details of who should be contacted for correspondence

· E-mail address of the corresponding author


A single paragraphed abstract containing maximum of 250 words. The abstract should include purpose of the study, design/methodology/approach, findings, research limitations/implications (if applicable), and also could mention the originality/value of the work.


· Provide up to 05 keywords encapsulating the principal topics of the paper.

· Whilst we will endeavor to use submitted keywords in the published version, all keywords are subject to approval by JISIT’s editorial team and may be replaced by a matching term to ensure consistency, if necessary.


References to other publications must be in IEEE Citation Style and carefully checked for completeness, accuracy and consistency.