The aim of the JICT is to provide academically robust research papers, critical reviews and opinions on the organizational, social and management issues assoicated with significant information-based technologies. It is designed to be read by academics, scholars, advanced students, reflective practitioners, and those seeking an update on current experience and future prospects concerning new information and communication technology themes.
The Journal serves the interest of the ICT research and practitioner communities by providing an effective platform for the timely dissemination of research and addresses prominent and topical issues such as computer-mediated communcation, data communications, decision support system, e-learning, e-commerce, IT diffusion and adpotion, knowledge management, network economics, software development methodologies, system design and implementation, virtual teams, workflow and process management, architectures/infrastructures, agent/intelligent/knowlegde-based system, colloborative work system/management, human factors, data mining, knowledge discovery, data warehouse, OLAP, ontologies, database architectures/applications, etics in IS, functional Information systems, impact of Information systems, IT globalization, inter-organizational systes, virtual business, emerging information technologies, knowledge management, organizational learning, knowledge networks, management information system, management of information resources, metrics/benchmarking, capabilities evaluation, research methods, IT evaluation, information economics, etc.